Rum Connoisseur Interview Of The Week NIELS BENSCHOP – Chief Commercial Officer at E&A Scheer

Rum Connoisseur
Interview Of The Week
Chief Commercial Officer at E&A Scheer
1. Who is Niels Benschop?
Proud father of two, that loves to balance his passion for food and drinks with an active lifestyle. As a food and spirit enthusiast, it is my worst fear is to run out of new taste- and flavour experiences. Having worked in the food industry for most of my career I now got the chance to work for an icon in the rum industry; E&A Scheer, as Chief Commercial Officer. As I am very new in the Rum world I am eager to get to know the people, products and stories that drive the business and of course try creating new history.
2. What does rum mean for you? What made you fall in love with rum and when did it happen?
Rum means endless possibilities and new friendships to me. I got my first proper introduction to Rum during our honeymoon in the Domican Republic. We met an older German couple on a boatride who introduced us to Cuba Libres, which the boatsmen referred to as “Vitamine”. This got us hooked. Not only did it taste great, but it also losened our lips and got us talking about life and making new friendships. Having just recently started drinking rum neat, I am amazed by the diversity of flavours and (hi)stories behind all the different Rums. I am sure this will keep me busy for decades to come. I am also actively sharing my new passion with my friends that love my new drink of choice.
3. Three essential characteristics that define the rum according to your perspective.
Passion, diversity and history.
4. What is the most important contribution you have made in the rum industry?
So far I have not made a great contribution, but I am hoping to develop many new recipes together with our customers/partners that help further grow their business and do everything I can to grow the Rum industry in general. I see E&A Scheer as “the oil” that runs our customers “creative engines”. It is also our role to think about the future of the Rum industry. By being a newby I can look at the this from a new perspective. For me transparancy, partnership/teamwork and innovation are three values that I’d like to use.
5. Benefits that the rum industry has given you.
It has opened my eyes to a complete new world.
6. What is your favorite place for drinking rum?
Any place is a good place for drinking Rum. But if I get to choose, my favorite place is a small beach bar on a tropical island while meeting new people and listening to the waves rolling on the beach.
7. Favorite drink + Recipe
As I really like ginger (the spicey one) I love a Dark ‘n stormy;
-50ML Rum (any dark rum with some funk works; I use our home blend..)
-125ML Gingerbeer
-½ Lime
-Few drops of Angostura bitters
Make sure to fill the glass with Ice, gingerbeer and limejuice before you gently add the Rum to create the dark ‘n stormy effect. Top with a slice of lime
8. Why is it important to educate the rum consumer?
Education is THE way forward. Before I was properly introduced in the Rum world I could only think of coconut and sweetness when I thought of Rum and would mostly drink a Rum and coke. I know now there is a whole world to discover and there are so many variables to create different Rums. Every bit of education we do gets people excited and inspires them to discover more and better Rums.
9. Is the commitment to sustainable development the key of success for the permanence of the rum industry in the world? Why?
Sustainability is a licence to operate in any business, so also Rum. The only problem is to really pinpoint sustainability, because there is no universal way to be sustainable. I think in this perspective any initiative that aims to improve this should be aplauded.
10. Who would like to meet in the rum industry? What would you say to him/her?
I have been listening and reading about some iconic figures in the Rum industry, but for now I wish to welcome anyone that is passionate about sharing his or her passion for Rum. My question would be; what got you so passionate and how do you envision the future of Rum?
11. What are your next goals in the rum industry?
On the short term I’d like to see how we as bulk Rum supplier can help our customers through the Covid-19 crisis. On the longer term I want to really understand the needs and challenges our customers have and further build our already extensive services to cater to these needs and bring E&A Scheer to the next level.
12. How can people learn more about you? Website? Social media page?
Published by:
Author: Jose Hoffmann
Phone: +1 513-426-8813
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