Rum Connoisseur Interview of the Week: HEDI BERKAOUI Ron Abuelo – UK Brand Ambassador

Rum Connoisseur
Interview of The Week:
Ron Abuelo – UK Brand Ambassador
1. Who is Hedi Berkaoui?
Proud of 15 years in the hospitality industry, I have started my career right after graduating in Hôtellerie & Restauration in France. Initially formed to be working as a Chef de Rang & Maitre d’Hôtel, I fell in love almost immediately with the world of Bartending and spirit mixing, from Barback for Buddha-Bar Paris to Brand Development Manager for Hi-Spirits in London. In 2017, I became part of the Ron Abuelo Family as Brand Ambassador of UK, France, Belgium, Luxembourg & Switzerland.
2. What does the rum mean for you? What made you fall in love with rum and when did it happen?
The way I see it, Rum is a philosophy and a way of living, opening new ways of reaching one another through the conviviality of our industry thus create new friendships. I was introduced to Rum back in France when I was 16 years old, my friends from Guadeloupe introduced me to Ti-Punch (original French Islands built cocktail with white Rhum, Brown sugar cane, Lime wedge) & “Rhum Arrangé” (The homemade Carribean French Spiced Rum). Above the taste, it was its culture that got Rum a special place in my heart. However, the day I was invited to visit the Hacienda San Isidro in Panama was the moment I was certain that I wanted to make Rum part of my life.
3. Three essential characteristics that define the rum according to your perspective.
(a) Colourful, Legacy, (of the) Sugar Cane
4. What is the most important contribution you have made in the rum industry?
I don’t think I could point out a single great contribution, but it’s on the daily effort and passion I put in to bring more awareness to the rum scene where I believe my contribution to the industry lies.
5. Benefits that the rum industry has given you.
It has given me the opportunity to travel the world, learning about new cultures and histories around English Rums, Spanish Rones & French Rhums!
6. What another thing you are passionate about, in addition to rum? Why?
– I have a passion for beekeeping as I love bees & honey.
– I also have a passion for customizing, it gives me the opportunity to take something that everybody has and change it to something unique.
7. What is your favorite place for drinking rum?
San Blas Islands, Panama (Paradise on Earth)
8. Favorite drink + Recipe
I have 2 favorite drinks :
Ron Sazerac (my Twist)
– Glass : small rocks
– Ice : No Ice
– Method : Stir & Strain
– Ingredients :
- 50ml Ron Abuelo 12 Anos
- 10ml Vieux Armagnac
- 5ml Cinnamon Syrup/Gomme (1 to 1)
- 5ml Absinth (to rinse the glass)
- 4 Dashes Peychaud Bitters
- 2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
– Garnish : Grapefruit twist
– Preparation : Refresh your rocks glass with ice, combine all ingredients in your mixing glass (except for the absinth),add ice to your mixing glass, stir for a small dillution, remove the ice from your refreshed rocks glass, add absinth to the refreshed rocks glass, rince the rocks glass with absinth, discard the absinth from the glass, pour the mixing glass content into the absinth refreshed rocks glass, add your garnish and enjoy!
Papá Centuria
– Glass : Spey Glass
– Ice : No Ice
– Method : direct in the glass
Ingredients: 80ml Ron Abuelo Centuria
– Garnish : none
– Preparation : open a bottle of Ron Abuelo Centuria, pour it in your glass, sit back, relax and enjoy!
9. Why is it important to educate the rum consumer?
Education is key in our industry, we have a lot of stereotypes going on and so many different ways of producing rum which can be confusing to newcomers into our world. With Rum education, consumer Masterclasses & events we all have the opportunity to explain the diversity of our respective distilleries and the link of our shared history. Let’s no forget that every first experience is essential and has to be exceptional.
10. Any tips to train the palate and taste a good premium rum?
Water shall be your best friend, it helps you prepare & rinse your palate The art of tasting is similar to the art of eating:
– Visualize your Rum: how thick is your Rum? How does it stick to the glass? What colour is your Rum?
– Smell your Rum: don’t plunge your nose into the glass, let your Rum breathe, smell your Rum like you would smell parfum on someone. What do you smell? Earthy notes? Vanilla notes? Cocoa notes? Hints of spices?
– Taste your Rum: don’t slurp it or shot it straight. Room temperature is good (personally I prefer my rum at 3 – 4°C, slightly refreshed), ice cold will hide a lot of the flavours and you’ll might miss a greater experience than you thought. Little sips & roll around in your mouth before swallowing.
– Learn to enjoy it : The most important thing is to enjoy your journey in the world of Rum.
11. Who would like to meet in the rum industry? What would you say to him/her?
There isn’t a person in particular, I’d like to meet everyone that is involved in the Rum industry, share a rum with them and talk Rum. I’d say : Let’s have a Rum and talk about it!
12. What are your next goals in the rum industry?
Given the current situation, my goal is to still be able to keep educating people about rum while inspiring them to try and appreciate all of the fulfilling experiences that come with this unique spirit
13. Plans you have when you leave the rum industry.
I don’t plan on leaving the Rum industry, my plans are to carry on spreading the love of sugar cane wherever I’ll go.
14. Why is the role of the bartender important in the rum industry?
The role of the bartender is important to all of us because they are the forefront of final consumers. Bartenders are the ones that can change peoples views on Rum , they can promote Rum as a culture and show people that it can be such a complex and versatile spirit. They can also socialize and educate about the difference between a Rum from Panama than a rum from Mexico or Colombia to a client. Also bartenders are able to create new ways for people to enjoy a rum, the question is : What would be the world without Daiquiris?
15. What is your advice for new generations in the rum industry?
Be hungry for knowledge, be open about the world, be adventurous about trying new things & always be thirsty for rum!
16. How can people learn more about you? Website? Social media page?
– Instagram :
– Facebook :