Rum connoisseur interview of the week: Andrew Abrahams – The founder of Rumbustious Times, the host of Andrew Abrahams Rum Tastings, and a dedicated lover of rum!

Published by
Andrew Abrahams

  The founder of Rumbustious Times,
the host of Andrew Abrahams Rum Tastings,
and a dedicated lover of rum!

1) Who is Andrew Abrahams?

Andrew Abrahams was born and bred in Bristol UK (as you probably can tell from my accent on my rum reviews). I was schooled in Bristol and started working within the construction industry from the age of nineteen and am now 54 and working as a site manager for a construction company.

Outside of work, I am a keen rum & cocktail enthusiast and if not tasting and reviewing rums I am on a constant quest for all things rum orientated. I love to travel and have visited some great rum producing countries like Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Mexico . . . did I mention that I like tequila also?
I started reviewing rums on YouTube many years back and get great satisfaction when I can help new rum lovers with the first steps within this wonderful category.

2) What made you fall in love with rum and when did it happen?

My first taste of rum other than Bacardi and coke was around fifteen years ago when a friend gave me a bottle of rum from the Dominican Republic, that rum was Barcelo Imperial. Of course, I mixed it with Coke like everybody did back then , but I could detect wonderful flavours in the background which led me to try it neat. The next thing I can remember I was in the Dominican Republic with six bottles Barcelo in my suitcase.

3) The biggest achievement you personally feel you have accomplished for the rum industry.

There are so many rum professionals out there working hard and pushing the rum category into the limelight that my contribution as an enthusiast seems very small when compared. I strive with my rum reviews to encourage and nurture new rum lovers into the world of rum that we all love so much.

4) What is that thing that makes you want to continue in the rum industry?

There are many things that keep me loving the rum category. I was recently asked if I would like to be a guest judge at the Miami Rum Festival by Robert A Burr and it was an amazing experience meeting like-minded people and Wonderful characters which just made the whole experience such a blast.

Trying a rum that totally wows you and knowing that sometime down the line you are going to encounter an even better experience.

Like they say you never know what’s around the corner.

5) Favorite Rum Drink?

My favourite sipping rum changes constantly, but at the moment it’s La Mauny Extra Rubis.

My favourite cocktail- I just love a Trader Vic’s original Mai Tai:
1oz fresh lime
1/2oz Curaçao
1/4oz orgeat
1/4oz sugar syrup
1oz Jamaican dark rum
1oz aged Martinique rum

Works great if you play around and use a powerful Jamaican pot still rum also.

6) Where do you see the rum industry today and in the next 5 years?

I would say there’s been steady growth over years to where we are at this moment.

The consumer has so much more choice with independent bottlers and craft distillers along with the main names of the rum world making available a vast array of products for us all to enjoy.

Over the next 5 years? Everyone wants the best of the best so the premium rum market will always fair well. Especially with the popularity of cask strength and different cask finishes which seem to be popping up everywhere.

I would like to think that other sectors will follow suit but with shady marketing and unclear labelling, there are obstacles on the road ahead still I would like to think they can be overcome.

7) Share some (2-3) of your mentors and how they have helped you.

My first inspiration upon entry into the rum world was Dave Russell. I have enjoyed Daves reviews over the years as I have found them to be very helpful and he unknowingly helped me pick and decide on many rum purchases; thanks, Dave.

Robert A Burr has also helped me out over the years with Rob’s Rum Guide and recently inviting me to guest judge at the Miami Rum Renaissance festival, which without his encouragement, I would have probably missed out of an excellent experience; thanks, Rob.

Also nearer to home Steven James for sheer passion for rum and his detailed and researched reviews at rum diaries blog: cheers mate.

8) What 3-5 things do you have on your bucket list for the next 12 months?

Well, firstly the 10th annual UK Rumfest on the 22nd & 23rd Oct will be my first bucket list item, then Mexico in May where I will be rooting out rum and tequila, I would like to attend at least two European rum festivals in 2017, and I will certainly be open for rum orientated events.

9) Any last words?

Peace, love, and respect.
“Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life”. ~George Bernard Shaw

10) Where can people learn more about you? Website? Social Media Page?

Youtube …..Andrew Abrahams Rum tastings
Twitter… @AbrahamsAndross
Instagram …..andross200


Born on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, Federico is the founder of

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