

Published by
Jose Rafael Hoffmann

TRL: Who is Filippo Maria Olivi di Briana?

As an Italian born in France, raised in Switzerland, and educated in the United States, my life has always been a blend of cultures, sophistication, and a passion for the finer things. With an inherent flair for style and a deep appreciation for premium spirits, I’ve always found solace in a good glass of wine or a fine Armagnac.

Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, I spent the next 25 years building a commodities trading company in Hong Kong. In those pre-internet days, it was an exhilarating and deeply rewarding venture. We specialized in the import and export of various commodities from emerging markets to Europe, eventually expanding to trade primary industry products from Latin America to the rapidly industrializing markets of Asia.

TRL: What does the rum mean to you? What made you fall in love with rum and when did it happen?

During what was supposed to be a “business” trip to visit my father in Paraguay, I stumbled upon the best-kept secret of this enchanting land – Caña Paraguaya.

One warm evening, after a day spent working alongside the vaqueros in the sun-drenched fields, an old man offered me a glass of “cana,” as it’s known here. The moment the rich, smooth liquid touched my lips, I was captivated. It was as if I had tasted the very soul of Paraguay.

Years of dedication and passion have now brought this dream to life with the creation of El Supremo Rum, a tribute to that unforgettable evening. Today, our rum graces almost 20 markets across the globe, a testament to the timeless allure of Paraguay’s most precious secret.

Discover the 500-year-old history of our rum here:

TRL: Three essential characteristics that define the rum according to your perspective.

From my perspective, three essential characteristics that define El Supremo Rum are:

  1. Authentic Paraguayan Heritage: El Supremo Rum is a true reflection of Paraguay’s rich history and traditions. The production methods and ingredients are steeped in centuries-old practices, making it a genuine representation of Paraguayan craftsmanship and culture.
  2. Unique Aging Process: The rum’s distinctive aging process in indigenous Incienso Marrón wood and French oak casks imparts unparalleled flavors and aromas. This method sets El Supremo apart, creating a complex and refined taste profile that appeals to those who appreciate premium spirits.
  3. Natural Agricole, Static Aging, No Additives.: Crafted from pure sugarcane juice, El Supremo Rum captures the true essence of agricole rum, offering a rich and natural flavor that is distinctly Paraguayan. Unlike the solera method, El Supremo Rum uses static aging, allowing each batch to mature individually in unique casks. This results in a more nuanced and complex flavor profile, unblended and true to its age.  El Supremo Rum is pure and unaltered, with no added coloring, sugar, or additives. This commitment to authenticity ensures a genuine rum experience, showcasing the true artistry of its traditional craftsmanship.

TRL: What is the most important contribution you have made in the rum industry?

My most important contribution to the rum industry is uncovering this 500-year-old secret in Paraguay and bringing it to the world, allowing rum lovers everywhere to appreciate this unique heritage. This discovery has not only highlighted the rich rum-making traditions of Paraguay but also introduced a new level of craftsmanship and authenticity to the global rum market.

TRL: What’s another thing you are passionate about, besides rum? Why?

Besides rum, I am passionate about farming. My love for farming stems from a deep connection with nature and a sense of fulfillment in tending to the land and animals. On my family’s land in Paraguay, where we care for cows and horses, I enjoy the tranquility and dynamic sounds of the natural environment, which offer me a grounding and rewarding experience beyond my professional pursuits. 

TRL: What is your favorite place for drinking rum?

My favorite sanctuary for savouring rum is at my home library, where he indulges in the comforting embrace of a good book and a fine cigar. There, amidst the soft glow of evening light, I find solace in the company of a glass of 12 or 18-year-old rum, as I immerse myself in a classic film.

TRL: Favorite drink + Recipe

The Negroni is my classic choice but with a twist! Here’s my simple recipe:


  • Ingredients:
    • 30ml Rum
    • 30ml Campari
    • 30ml Sweet Vermouth
    • Ice
    • Orange twist, for garnish
  • Instructions:
  • Fill a mixing glass with ice.
  • Add the Rum, Campari, and sweet vermouth.
  • Stir well until chilled.
  • Strain into a rocks glass filled with ice.
  • Garnish with an orange twist.

Enjoy your Negroni!

TRL: Why is it important to educate the rum consumer?

Educating consumers about rum is important for several reasons:

  1. Appreciation of Craftsmanship: Rum is a diverse and complex spirit, with a wide range of flavors and production methods. Education helps consumers appreciate the craftsmanship involved in its production, from the choice of raw materials to the aging process, fostering a deeper understanding of its quality and nuances.
  2. Shifting Perceptions: Rum has historically been associated with stereotypes of cheap cocktails and party drinking. By educating consumers, the spirit can be repositioned as a sophisticated and premium product, akin to whisky or cognac, thus elevating its status and appealing to a more discerning audience.
  3. Informed Choices: Knowledge about different types of rum—such as agricole vs. molasses-based, light vs. dark, or aged vs. unaged—empowers consumers to make informed choices that suit their personal tastes, enhancing their overall drinking experience.
  4. Supporting Premium Products: Educated consumers are more likely to seek out and support high-quality, artisanal rums, which benefits producers who invest in traditional and innovative methods.
  5. Enhancing the Experience: Understanding the subtleties of rum can lead to more enjoyable and sophisticated drinking experiences, including better pairing with food and cocktails, and a greater appreciation for the spirit’s role in mixology.

In essence, educating consumers about rum enriches their experience, supports the industry’s growth, and helps elevate the spirit to its rightful place as a cherished and respected beverage.

 TRL: Any tips to train the palate and taste a good premium rum?

Training your palate to taste and appreciate premium rum involves developing a keen sense of its flavors and characteristics. Here are some tips to help you refine your palate:

  1. Start with Clean Palate: Ensure your palate is clean before tasting. Avoid strong flavors or foods before a tasting session, and consider drinking water or eating plain bread to neutralize your taste buds.
  2. Use Proper Glassware: Use a tulip-shaped glass or a Glencairn glass. These types of glasses concentrate the aromas, allowing you to better appreciate the rum’s bouquet.
  3. Observe the Color: Note the color of the rum. While not always indicative of flavor, the color can give hints about its aging process and cask types. Darker rums might have spent more time aging or used specific cask types.
  4. Swirl and Sniff: Swirl the rum gently in the glass to release its aromas. Take short, gentle sniffs to avoid overwhelming your senses. Try to identify different notes—fruity, spicy, woody, or floral.
  5. Sip Slowly: Take small sips and let the rum linger in your mouth. Pay attention to the initial taste, the mid-palate flavors, and the finish. Notice how the flavors evolve and whether there are any changes as it warms up.
  6. Focus on Complexity: Premium rums often have a complex flavor profile. Try to identify different layers of flavors, such as caramel, vanilla, spices, or oak. Note any subtleties or nuances.
  7. Compare and Contrast: Taste different rums side by side to understand their unique characteristics. Comparing a range of rums—such as aged vs. unaged, or agricole vs. molasses-based—can highlight the differences and help you appreciate their unique qualities.
  8. Take Notes: Keep a tasting journal to record your observations. Note the aromas, flavors, mouthfeel, and finish of each rum you try. This can help you track your preferences and recognize patterns over time.
  9. Educate Yourself: Learn about rum production processes, different types of rum, and common flavor profiles. Understanding the background can enhance your tasting experience and appreciation.
  10. Pair with Food: Experiment with pairing rum with different foods. Certain flavors can be accentuated or complemented by specific dishes, enhancing the overall tasting experience.
  11. Engage Your Senses: Involve all your senses in the tasting process. The appearance, aroma, taste, and even the texture of the rum contribute to the overall experience.

By following these tips, you can develop a more refined palate and better appreciate the complexities and qualities of premium rum.

TRL: How can the rum contribute to improving the crisis in some countries?

The rum industry contributes to economic growth. It is an important source of jobs and income in developing countries, especially those with a strong sugarcane cultivation tradition. This can help ease poverty and stimulate local economies.

Rum, as an industry and product, can play a role in improving Paraguays in several impactful ways. Here’s how:

  1. Economic Development and Employment:
    • Local Employment: The production of rum creates jobs in agriculture (sugarcane farming), manufacturing (distillation), and distribution. This can reduce unemployment and stimulate economic growth in regions where rum is produced.
    • Local Businesses: Supporting local businesses involved in the rum supply chain—such as cooperatives, packaging companies, and hospitality services—can boost the local economy.
  2. Export Revenue:
    • Foreign Exchange Earnings: Exporting rum can provide valuable foreign exchange earnings for countries, helping to improve their trade balance and strengthen their economy.
    • Global Market Access: Establishing a premium rum brand can open new markets and improve the country’s international trade relations.
  3. Cultural and Tourism Promotion:
    • Cultural Heritage: Promoting rum can help highlight and preserve traditional production methods and cultural heritage. This can enhance national pride and cultural identity.
    • Tourism Attraction: Rum-related tourism, such as distillery tours, tasting events, and rum festivals, can attract visitors and generate additional revenue for local communities.
  4. Sustainable Practices:
    • Sustainable Agriculture: Implementing sustainable practices in sugarcane farming can reduce environmental impact and support ecological balance.
    • Waste Management: Efficient waste management and by-product utilization (e.g., using spent sugarcane for compost or energy) can contribute to environmental sustainability.
  5. Social Development:
    • Community Projects: Rum companies often invest in community projects, including education, health, and infrastructure development. This can improve living standards and support local development initiatives.
    • Social Responsibility: By adhering to ethical and socially responsible practices, rum producers can set an example for other industries and contribute to overall social progress.

By leveraging these aspects, the rum industry can contribute to addressing economic, social, and environmental challenges, ultimately supporting crisis improvement and fostering sustainable development in countries.

TRL: Is the commitment to sustainable development the key to success for the permanence of the rum industry in the world? Why?

Yes, commitment to sustainable development is indeed crucial for the long-term success and permanence of the rum industry. Here’s why:

  1. Environmental Impact:
    • Resource Management: Sustainable practices help manage natural resources responsibly, reducing the environmental footprint of rum production. This includes water usage, energy consumption, and waste management.
    • Climate Change: Addressing climate change through sustainable agriculture (e.g., reducing carbon emissions, conserving soil, and managing water resources) is vital for maintaining the viability of sugarcane cultivation, a core ingredient in rum.
  2. Consumer Expectations:
    • Ethical Consumption: Consumers are increasingly seeking products that are produced ethically and sustainably. By committing to sustainability, rum producers can meet these expectations, build brand loyalty, and attract a more conscientious customer base.
    • Transparency and Authenticity: Transparent practices and a genuine commitment to sustainability enhance the authenticity of a brand, helping it to stand out in a competitive market.
  3. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Legal Requirements: Many countries are implementing stricter environmental regulations. By adopting sustainable practices, rum producers can ensure compliance with current and future regulations, avoiding potential fines and disruptions.
    • Market Access: Sustainable certifications can open doors to new markets and distribution channels, particularly those that prioritize eco-friendly products.
  4. Economic Viability:
    • Cost Savings: Sustainable practices, such as energy efficiency and waste reduction, can lead to significant cost savings over time. Investing in sustainable technology can also improve operational efficiency.
    • Long-term Stability: Sustainable development ensures the long-term availability of raw materials and reduces the risk of supply chain disruptions caused by environmental degradation or resource depletion.
  5. Social Responsibility:
    • Community Engagement: Sustainable development often involves engaging with local communities and supporting social initiatives. This can improve relationships with stakeholders and enhance the industry’s social license to operate.
    • Worker Welfare: Committing to fair labor practices and safe working conditions contributes to a positive reputation and attracts talent, ensuring a skilled and motivated workforce.
  6. Innovation and Competitiveness:
    • Driving Innovation: The pursuit of sustainability can drive innovation in production methods, product development, and packaging. This can enhance the competitiveness of the rum industry and lead to the creation of unique, eco-friendly products.
    • Brand Differentiation: A strong commitment to sustainability can differentiate a brand in the global market, appealing to consumers who prioritize environmental and social responsibility.
  7. Global Trends:
    • Alignment with Global Goals: Sustainable development aligns with global goals such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By contributing to these goals, the rum industry can play a role in broader global efforts and enhance its reputation on the world stage.

In summary, a commitment to sustainable development is essential for ensuring the long-term success and permanence of the rum industry. It addresses environmental, economic, social, and consumer-related factors, ultimately contributing to a resilient and thriving industry.

TRL: What are your next goals in the rum industry?

Here are some my goals for the rum industry:

  1. Educate Consumers:
    • Raise Awareness: Provide comprehensive education on the various types of rum, production methods, and the nuances of different styles to foster a deeper appreciation among consumers.
    • Enhance Understanding: Develop initiatives to teach consumers about the history, culture, and craftsmanship behind premium rums, helping them to discern and value quality.
  2. Promote Regulation and Standardization:
    • Advocate for Quality Standards: Work towards establishing more stringent regulations and quality standards for rum, similar to those in the whisky industry. This includes guidelines for aging, labeling, and production methods to ensure consistency and authenticity.
    • Support Industry Certification: Encourage and support certification programs that verify the quality and provenance of rum, helping consumers make informed choices and promoting industry integrity.
  3. Foster Innovation:
    • Encourage New Techniques: Support innovation in rum production techniques and aging processes to enhance flavor profiles and create unique products that stand out in the market.
    • Explore Sustainable Practices: Promote the adoption of sustainable and eco-friendly practices in rum production, from sourcing raw materials to packaging, to align with global environmental goals and consumer expectations.
  4. Expand Global Presence:
    • Increase Market Reach: Expand the visibility and availability of premium rums in new and emerging markets, broadening the consumer base and elevating the global profile of rum.
    • Build Stronger Networks: Strengthen relationships with distributors, retailers, and industry stakeholders to enhance market presence and facilitate growth.
  5. Enhance Industry Collaboration:
    • Foster Partnerships: Collaborate with other industry players, including producers, experts, and trade organizations, to share knowledge, resources, and best practices.
    • Organize Events: Host and participate in industry events, tastings, and seminars to engage with enthusiasts, experts, and the general public, promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of rum.
  6. Focus on Consumer Experience:
    • Curate Unique Experiences: Develop immersive and memorable experiences for consumers, such as distillery tours, tastings, and educational workshops, to deepen their connection with rum.
    • Promote Craftsmanship: Highlight the artistry and craftsmanship involved in rum production, from traditional methods to innovative approaches, to enhance consumer engagement and loyalty.

By pursuing these goals, the rum industry can elevate its reputation, ensure higher quality products, and build a more informed and passionate consumer base.

TRL: Plans you have when you leave the rum industry.

Start a foundation for children with Down Syndrome and build libraries for children in Paraguay

TRL: Why is the role of the bartender important in the rum industry?

The role of the bartender is crucial in the rum industry for several reasons:

  1. Education and Advocacy: Bartenders are often the first point of contact between consumers and premium rums. They have the opportunity to educate patrons about the nuances of different rums, including their origins, production methods, and flavor profiles. This education helps in shifting perceptions and enhancing appreciation for quality rums.
  2. Craftsmanship and Creativity: Bartenders craft cocktails and create unique drinks that highlight the qualities of rum. Their creativity in mixing and presentation can elevate the rum-drinking experience, showcasing the spirit’s versatility and encouraging consumers to explore it in new ways.
  3. Customer Experience: A knowledgeable and skilled bartender enhances the overall experience for customers. They can offer personalized recommendations based on individual preferences, making the experience more enjoyable and memorable, which can lead to greater customer loyalty and increased interest in rum.
  4. Market Expansion: Bartenders play a key role in popularizing rum by introducing it to a wider audience through creative cocktail menus and engaging presentations. They help in expanding the market by making rum more accessible and appealing to diverse consumer segments.
  5. Brand Representation: Bartenders often represent the brands they serve. Their enthusiasm, knowledge, and ability to articulate the brand’s story and values can significantly impact the perception and success of a rum brand. They act as ambassadors, influencing customer preferences and driving brand recognition.

TRL: What is your advice for new generations in the rum industry?

For new generations entering the rum industry, here’s some advice:

  1. Embrace Tradition and Innovation: Understand and respect the rich history and traditional methods of rum production. At the same time, be open to innovation and new techniques that can enhance quality and appeal. Balancing tradition with modern advancements can help create exceptional products.
  2. Focus on Quality: Prioritize quality over quantity. Invest in the best ingredients, craftsmanship, and aging processes to produce premium rum. Consistent quality builds a strong reputation and fosters consumer trust.
  3. Educate Yourself and Others: Continuously learn about rum, from its history and production methods to market trends and consumer preferences. Share your knowledge with others in the industry and with consumers to elevate the overall understanding and appreciation of rum.
  4. Build Strong Relationships: Network with industry professionals, from suppliers to distributors and consumers. Building strong relationships can open doors to opportunities, collaborations, and insights that can drive success.
  5. Commit to Sustainability: Focus on sustainable practices in production, sourcing, and packaging. As consumers become more environmentally conscious, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can differentiate your brand and appeal to a broader audience.
  6. Understand the Market: Stay informed about global and local market trends. Understand what drives consumer preferences and adapt your strategies accordingly. Being responsive to market demands can help you stay competitive and relevant.
  7. Be Authentic: Develop a unique brand identity and story that resonates with consumers. Authenticity in your brand’s message and product can create a deeper connection with your audience and build long-term loyalty.
  8. Adapt and Innovate: The spirits industry is dynamic, with evolving consumer tastes and technological advancements. Be adaptable and open to innovation, whether in product development, marketing strategies, or distribution channels.
  9. Invest in Quality Education and Training: Pursue formal education and training in spirits, distillation, and business management. Well-rounded knowledge and skills can significantly enhance your ability to succeed in the industry.
  10. Passion and Perseverance: Stay passionate about your work and be prepared for challenges. The journey in the rum industry can be demanding, but dedication and perseverance will help you overcome obstacles and achieve success.

TRL: How can people learn more about you? Website? Social media page? Visit my LinkedIn page   and company website

Jose Rafael Hoffmann

Creative Director for EmpresasFH and Director of HOFFMANNdesign. Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, Mr. Hoffmann has been one of the most important designers for prestigious companies in South America, including Disney, Cartoon Network, Mattel among others.

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