Flor de Caña, Regional Brand Ambassador South America: KAREN ÁLVAREZ SEIJAS

Flor de Caña, Regional Brand Ambassador South America: KAREN ÁLVAREZ SEIJAS
June 4, 2024 Off By Jose Rafael Hoffmann

TRL: Who is Karen Álvarez?
I started in the world of the bar when I was studying at the University. I started as a bar assistant, then I founded my first venture (cocktail catering). I founded my first bar in my hometown (Trujillo, Peru), while I participated in several cocktail competitions where I won several awards and all these experiences allowed me to start traveling, discovering more about the bars, cocktails, and distillates of the world.

I moved to Lima and after being behind the bar for almost 10 years, I became part of the Flor de Caña family as a Brand Ambassador. Working as a team, we positioned the brand as the most consumed imported rum in the country and a brand present in all bars nationwide.

After 4 years, I became a Regional Brand Ambassador for South America and I am working with all the Brand Ambassadors in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Bolivia. We want to continue positioning Flor de Caña Rum in the region, sharing with the entire bartender community and bringing them closer to the principles of sustainability, which is one of the main pillars of the brand.

TRL: What does the rum mean to you? What made you fall in love with rum and when did it happen?
For me, rum means the union of two qualities that I appreciate very much, one is patience and the other is the ability to enjoy the present. A lot of patience is necessary for aging and when the product is ready we have to learn to drink it without haste and thus enjoy the present moment. I fell in love with this distillate when I started to learn about good drinking. In general, Peru is a country that consumes a lot of rum so it is part of the general culture.

TRL: Benefits that the rum industry has given you.
I have visited many countries and have connected and shared with people from all over the world. I have also tasted rums from different parts of the world and learned from the best about this exciting industry.

TRL: What’s another thing you are passionate about, in addition to rum? Why?
I love reading and spending time at home with my family and my two cats. I think it is very important to take time for yourself and your loved ones, especially when you travel frequently.

TRL: What is your favorite place for drinking rum?
I love the sea, the beach is my favorite place, especially Guacalito de la Isla beach in Nicaragua.

TRL: Favorite drink + Recipe
Rum and Coffee Tonic.
-2 oz. Flor de Caña Rum 12
– 0.50 oz of cold brew coffee
– 0.25 oz of lime
Complete with tonic water. Garnish with lime peel.

TRL: Why is it important to educate the rum consumer?
It is important because we give them the necessary tools to make a better choice when choosing a rum and we also promote the responsible consumption of our products.

TRL: Any tips to train the palate and taste a good premium rum?
Taste everything! The greater the universe of flavors you have in your memory, the more you will be able to have a better criterion to notice the particular characteristics of each product.

TRL: How can the rum contribute to improving the crisis in some countries?
The rum industry can contribute to improving the social crisis. The first step is to become aware of what is happening around and plan actions to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. For example, Flor de Caña offers free medical services and education to workers and their families. It also supports other social initiatives such as APROQUEN, an NGO that cares for children and young people affected by burns.

TRL: Is the commitment to sustainable development the key to success for the permanence of the rum industry in the world? Why?
Today, sustainability is no longer optional, but an inherent part of business reality. For this reason, it is a basic pillar for industries such as the rum industry to develop consciously, taking care of the environmental and social aspects of their surroundings, complying with standards to achieve certifications, and seeking to promote a message of sustainability.

TRL: What are your next goals in the rum industry?
My next goal is to share about the magical world of rum with people from more countries in South America such as Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.

TRL: Plans you have when you leave the rum industry.
I want to continue in the world of bar and alcoholic beverage marketing.

TRL: Why is the role of the bartender important in the rum industry?
Bartenders are key players in the consumption chain because through creativity they bring rum closer to customers through signature or classic cocktails, telling stories, or educating lovers of the world of distillates. A good bartender makes cocktails and also shares knowledge from the bar.

TRL: What is your advice for new generations in the rum industry?
Live in the present, always enjoying yourselves in moderation.

TRL: How can people learn more about you? Website? Social media page?


I always share the routes of bars I visit in my travels, cocktail recipes, and information about the magical world of the bar.

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