Graduated at one of the top Hotel Management Schools in the world my destiny was to provide great service to guests staying at fine hotels, but my career took another path. Military service brought me to the Dutch Airforce, into logistics and from there I moved into Phamaceutical wholesale until a headhunter suggested my talents were needed with a family company they knew. I walked into E&A Scheer 25 years ago and found a great Rum company and the Spirits industry which has kept me smiling ever since. Now I get to provide users of bulk Rum with great service in supplying custom made Rum blends every day of my working life.
The love for Rum came to me when starting at Scheer and the team explaining me the base product, fermentation choices, distillation options and the resulting palate of Rum types which can be blended to achieve a vast array of styles, and tastes.
– Rum has the widest possible range of distillates under 1 common name
– Rum has incredibly many stories and traditions, history and future
– Rum is a happy spirit, and there is a rum for every taste
Sharing my love for Rum and having had the opportunity to create Rum blends for many different brands all over the world
Great friends, great travel and a wide perspective on cultures
Drinking with friends, any place is good for Rum, but having that in the Rum producing countries, with local specialists is really the best.
Straight on the rocks or a simple serve, Rum and Ginger Ale.
There are so many misconceptions about Rum which is not strange as Rum is such a diverse category of spirits. Education on the many choices in Rum and how it is made is key. Let the consumer realise what makes the differences, not to judge what is the best or worst Rum, but to be able to choose what they like.
In my Rum life so far I have had the fortune to meet many great producers, incredible Rum blenders, influencers, brand ambassadors, brand owners and also many genuine Rum enthousiasts. It would be fantastic to meet even more of those and just speak Rum to them.
No plans to leave, just love this industry. Just want to make sure I can pass some of the acuired knowledge on to future generations.
Understand the basics, learn about the versatility of Rum, enjoy good blended Rums, work together as a category and make consumers forget about the other spirit categories as Rum has it all.
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