Liviko, a renowned name in the spirits industry, has introduced Caribba Reserva, a premium blend of Caribbean rums aged up to eight years. This exciting addition enriches the Caribba rum portfolio, catering to the rising demand for high-quality rums across Europe and Asia.
Caribba Reserva combines rums from Trinidad and the Dominican Republic, offering a sophisticated option for premium rum enthusiasts. According to a recent article from The Drinks Business, the export director at Liviko, Jörgen Herman said “Caribba Reserva is a natural extension of our portfolio. We’ve noticed a growing interest in the premium rum segment, and early feedback has been very positive.”
Caribba Reserva captivates with its complex flavors and aromatic appeal. Expect a bouquet of caramel, honey, and tropical fruits, balanced with subtle notes of dried citrus peel and candied spices. The full-bodied palate introduces hints of walnuts, baked apples, and sweet bakery spices, culminating in a finish of dried orange peel.
For the best experience, Liviko recommends enjoying Caribba Reserva slightly chilled at a temperature between 13 and 15°C, making it a perfect digestif for special occasions.
Caribba Reserva highlights Liviko’s commitment to innovation and quality. This premium rum reflects the company’s dedication to creating exceptional spirits that meet evolving consumer preferences.
The growing interest in premium rum has opened opportunities for brands like Caribba to lead the way. By combining age-old Caribbean rum traditions with Liviko’s expertise, Caribba Reserva is poised to resonate with rum lovers globally.
Established in 1898, Liviko has a rich heritage of crafting top-tier spirits. Known for iconic brands like Vana Tallinn and Crafter’s Gin, Liviko exports its products to over 70 markets worldwide. With the launch of Caribba Reserva, Liviko further solidifies its reputation as a pioneer in the global spirits industry.
Caribba Reserva not only expands the Caribba lineup but also elevates the brand’s position in the premium rum category. Its intricate flavor profile, versatile serving options, and exceptional quality make it a must-try for rum enthusiasts seeking something extraordinary.
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The Drink Business’ Article: Liviko adds Carriba Reserva to rum range written by Sophie Arundel
The image of the article is courtesy of © Halbergman via
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