University of Lynchburg Launches New Course Sugar Cane Spirits

University of Lynchburg Launches New Course Sugar Cane Spirits
July 25, 2024 Off By Federico Hernandez

The University of Lynchburg’s Professional Development Institute (PDI) is
excited to announce the launch of a new non-credit, professional development course designed
for enthusiasts and professionals alike who wish to explore the fascinating world of rum and
sugar cane spirits. This immersive, 10-week, online program offers participants a unique
opportunity to explore the rich history, diverse production methods, and nuanced flavors of
these beloved libations. Classes will meet virtually each Monday from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., ET,
from September 16th through November 18th, 2024.

From the Caribbean islands to South America and beyond, this course takes participants on a
journey through the cultural and geographical origins of rum and sugar cane spirits. Students
will discover various rum styles, including white, dark, aged, and spiced rums, as well as lesser-known
known spirits such as cachaça and rhum agricole. The curriculum includes a study of the
distillation process, aging techniques, and regional influences that shape the distinctive
characteristics of each spirit.

Participants will also gain practical skills in cocktail mixology, learning how to create both classic
and contemporary rum-based drinks. Additionally, the course offers insights into the art of
pairing rum with food and exploring the cultural significance of rum in global culinary traditions.

Greg Hill, Master Rummelier® and founder of the Royal Rum Society, will lead this course. Hill explains, “the history of rum is fascinating. Students will be taken on a journey and exposed to the spirit’s influence on culture throughout time, along with learning some interesting trivia. While constructing cocktails, an understanding of the flavor profiles presented by the base spirit is essential to a mixologist.”

According to John Zinn, Executive Director of the PDI, “this program is well-suited for hospitality professionals, bartenders, rum enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, event planners, and even retail staff. The Rum and Sugar Cane Certificate course is part of the Institute’s broader Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Program, which also includes the Certified Wedding and Event Planner course.”


Upon completion of this non-credit, professional development course, participants will earn a
digital certificate from the University of Lynchburg and the Level 1 Rummelier® certificate,
which is included in the registration fee.

Enrollment is now open and the course starts September 16, 2024. For more information and to register, please visit or email

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