Looking for a local rum society or rum group where you can meet like-minded rum enthusiasts? Since one of the best parts of rum is the community, we’ve compiled an ongoing list of rum societies and groups around the world. (Last Update 05/07/2024)
Rum Club Australia:
The Rum Club Australia promotes quality rum across Australia, including educating members on what authentic rums are and their production techniques.
The Great Aussie Rum Rumble:
A group for Australian Rum enthusiasts and a place to discuss and promote Australian Rums.
Rum Club Brisbane:
Brisbane-based group for rum enthusiasts.
Melbourne Rum Club:
The Melbourne Rum Club is a casual gathering of Melbourne’s finest rum aficionados, industry professionals and tiki geeks. We gather on a regular basis at various rum venues around Melbourne for tastings, presentations and good times.
Sydney Rum Club:
For the enthusiast, aficinado, admirer, fanatic, curious, supporter, groupie, follower, leader, addict, dovotee, advocate, sponsor, defender, patron, callaborator, supporter or just friend of all things rum!.
Rum Cubay Group (spanish)
El nuevo grupo Rum Cubay para mantenerte informado al día con la marca Cubay sus Actividades, Bailes, Fiestas, Descuentos, Artistas Internacionales Invitados a Australia, información de Cuba y mucho más Como dicen comparte comparte comparte no te canses de compartir
Barbados Rum Club:
Rum lovers in Barbados, the time has come to have a space to promote, discuss and celebrate the diversity of rum. Also, we will be organizing monthly tastings and sample bottles for those who want to explore rums from all over the world and also those coveted bajan releases that can be hard to find.
Foursquare Rum Appreciation Society
We actively encourage participation from everyone whether you’re a fan, a person affiliated with Foursquare, a related brand, a distributor, venue, etc., provided the content is relevant. But if you’re going to do this, we would love for you to interact with the group a little first.
Rum Club Canada:
A group for promoting and educating great rum to a larger audience in Canada, while advocating for a larger and better selection in liquor stores.
The Rum Howler:
If you are a member of the spirits industry, and wish to see your spirit reviewed on the Rum Howler Blog, then here is where you should make your initial contact.
The Rum Howler
Rum Club Colombia:
A space dedicated to promoting the rum culture in Colombia.
Rhum Club France (Facebook Page | Website):
A club for French-speaking rum lovers, also serving as a centralized location for regional rum clubs.
Les Rhums del Homme a la Poussette:
Je suis un simple amateur de rhum pour qui “juste” déguster et apprendre n’était plus suffisant pour vivre à fond ma passion pour le rhum. C’est sur une suggestion de mon allemande de femme (que vous retrouverez dans plusieurs articles), que j’ai alors commencé à écrire des articles et à faire vivre ce blog (et la page Facebook associée, puis plus tard Instagram).
Quelques 200 articles plus tard, ma passion est toujours intacte et ma soif de connaissance et de partage toujours inextinguible.
The Rum Society Athens:
Baba Au Rum has been awarded and recognized as one of the best rum bars in the world. Now, we push the boundaries as we pour into unconventional and exotic tiki and rum cocktails.
Israel Rum Society (Instagram | Facebook):
A home for all rum enthusiasts from Israel and beyond.
The Whiskey and Rum Society – Italy:
The aim of this group is to bring together professionals, enthusiasts, newbies, and those curious about the world of whiskey and rum.
Dutch Rum Society:
This group aims to be like a book club but all for rum. Meetings will be organized monthly to talk about any great new rum content.
New Zealand Rum Society:
New Zealand-based special interest group for the purpose of sharing all things rum.
Barcelona Rum Club:
A Barcelona-based rum group that hosts regular tastings and masterclasses.
At Cane Rum Society we focus on the wonderful authentic cuisines of the Caribbean islands and presented to you in a welcoming and laid back environment.
Our aim, to bring a unique dining and drinking experience for people who are searching for Caribbean cuisine, spirit, culture, atmosphere and togetherness”.
Nominated Best Speciality Bar 2022 & 2023
Edinburgh Rum Club:
Facebook-based rum group for enthusiasts in Edinburgh and Scotland.
Oxford Rum Guild:
A group where people located in Oxford and around can socialize, discuss rum, gather resources, and organize events.
The UK Rum Club:
The UK Rum Club is a Facebook-based collective of Rum Enthusiasts based in the UK. The focus of this group is “Pure Rum,” and while that does not limit topics, the desire is to encourage less discussions about Spiced and Flavored products.
The Craft Rum Club:
We have created this group for our members to come together and share their love for all things rum. Please share your stories about rum, where you are on your journey through the many categories of rum, photo’s, rum experiences, distillers visited and cocktail recipes. This is intended to be a fun group and therefor please treat fellow clubbers with respect.
Spiced Rum Club:
A friendly club for spiced/flavoured rum enthusiasts of all levels to connect, chat, ask questions, learn and review all stuff spiced/flavoured rum.
The Fat Rum Pirate:
Originally set up in February 2014. Our idea at thefatrumpirate.com was to establish a site which would offer well written, knowledgeable and independent rum reviews.
The Room Barrell:
Welcome to The Room Barrel! Here I’m uploading all the video rum reviews/content I’m posting on my Instagram under The Room Barrel umbrella.
So here it is; my journey in rum. I’m not an expert (in anything really) but I know what I like, and I like to think I’ve got a pretty good sense of smell and a reasonable palate. Hopefully some of my reviews will help you out and I hope you enjoy reading them.
The Global Rum Club:
A Global group for rum lovers of ALL levels to share their ideas and love for the world’s best spirit. Please keep ALL posts RUM RELATED. Ian Burrell and Ian are admins. Paul and Matt are moderators.
West Coast Rum Society:
A Facebook-based group to share, discuss, and revel in rum—from tastings to drink recipes to reviews and more.
Great Lakes Rum Society:
A Facebook-based group for folks living in Michigan and other areas around the Great Lakes.
Rum Blogger World:
Here you can post your experiences about rum. taste, smell, recommendations.
Rum Appreciation Society:
For lovers of really nice rum
The Rum Caucus:
A Facebook-based group for sharing knowledge of enthusiasm for rum and all things related.
The Rumbustion Society (San Francisco):
To encourage exploration of its expansive collection, San Francisco tiki bar Smuggler’s Cove offers a rum club called The Rumbustion Society. The club is now hundreds strong, and members who are Guardian level and above enjoy access to private tasting events.
Rum Rhum Club (Los Angeles):
Rum Rhum Club is dedicated to the tasting and experiencing of new and vintage Rums from around the world.
Florida Rum Society (Facebook Page | Website):
A statewide group that exists to make Florida the “GO TO” place for rum by working to bring quality products, options, and information to the Rum Lovers of Florida and beyond.
Miami Rum Club:
Facebook group for Miami-based rum enthusiasts.
Atlanta Rum Society:
A Facebook-based group for sharing pictures, reviews, favorites, and participating in tasting events.
New Orleans Rum Society:
A New Orleans-based group that hosts regular events and tastings at the Palace Café.
Baltimore Cane Society:
A club dedicated to cane spirits education and appreciation. It hosts Zoom tastings for members on a monthly basis.
Boston Rum Social Club:
A Facebook-based group that organizes meetups in the Boston area.
Minnesota Rum Club:
A Facebook group for rum enthusiasts in the state of Minnesota.
New York
New York Rum Sippers:
A Facebook group for NY-area rum enthusiasts to share information about where to find a good pour, bottle, recipe, or fellow rum drinkers.
New Jersey
New Jersey Rum Club:
A Facebook-based group for New Jersey rum enthusiasts.
North and South Carolina
Carolina Rum Society:
A group with the goal to bring together rum enthusiasts, distillers, ambassadors, and retailers to learn about, organize tastings, trade, and promote rum and rum culture in the Carolinas.
Ohio Rum Society:
The Central Ohio Rum Society (CORS) – now collectively known as the Ohio Rum Society – brings together current & future rum enthusiasts in the heart of the Buckeye State to shed light on rum. Their mission is to elevate the rum category in Ohio, educate the common Ohio consumer on cane spirits available in the state, and showcase the best cocktail programs and bartending talent in Columbus.
Rum Enthusiasts:
Group history shows when this group was created, as well as changes to its name. You can use Group history to see whether a group’s purpose has changed over time.
Rhode Island
Rhode Island Rum Society:
A group to share rum information and appreciation in Rhode Island and beyond
Friends of Rum Tennessee (Facebook Group | Website):
A Nashville-based group looking to bring together rum enthusiasts across the state of Tennessee, for virtual and in-person tastings, meetups, and more.
Memphis Rum Club
The purpose of the Memphis Rum Club is to be an advocate for the rum category in this city, partner with liquor reps and stores to bring promotional/happy hour events around town, and help celebrate new and exciting releases coming to Memphis.
Austin Rum Society:
An Austin-based group with a mission to bring rum enthusiasts together, provide a better understanding of the category of rum, and to honor its history, traditions, complexities, and many styles.
DFW Rum Club:
Facebook-based group for rum enthusiasts in the Dallas-Fort Worth area to discuss rum.
McAllen Rum Club:
Facebook-based group for the McAllen, TX area.
Richmond Rum Society (Facebook Group | Website):
Founded in 2017, the Richmond Rum Society is dedicated to the identification and pleasure of the consumption of fine Rums from around the world.
Washington, D.C.
DC Rum Rebels:
A Facebook-based group for rum lovers in DC—discussion and occasional group buys.
Facebook Groups
Ministry of Rum
Dedicated to the Appreciation and Understanding of the Noble Spirit – Rum.
Global Rum Club
A Global group for rum lovers of ALL levels to share their ideas and love for the world’s best spirit
Ron Rhum Rum:
Solo Ron, Only Rum, Seulement Rhum
The Rum Club was founded in the original rum land of Tobago in March 2007 when the Buzzer was officially appointed President. Buzz was subsequently fired by Errol for scratching his arse. In the true pirate spirit of The Rum Club Errol then elected himself as president in January 2008.
Here to inform the masses (one person at a time) about rum in Washington State. We host a monthly rum event at both our Ballard, and Redmond location(s).
This group was started as a private one for documenting and collating rum facts, history, articles and photos to share with friends and guests. The intent was to have all the information easily accessible from one site. Why limit the audience? Share with the world.
The Rum Caucus
Welcome all to The Rum Caucus! This is a place to share knowledge of enthusiasm for rum and all things related.
This will serve as a friendly place to share our enthusiasm for rum and help one another learn. Members range from novices to seasoned drinkers.
Craft Rum Club
We have created this group for our members to come together and share their love for all things rum. Please share your stories about rum, where you are on your journey through the many categories of rum, photo’s, rum experiences, distillers visited and cocktail recipes. This is intended to be a fun group and therefor please treat fellow clubbers with respect.
Barbados Rum Club
Rum lovers in Barbados, the time has come to have a space to promote, discuss and celebrate the diversity of rum. Also, we will be organizing monthly tastings and sample bottles for those who want to explore rums from all over the world and also those coveted bajan releases that can be hard to find. Please feel free to contribute with your thoughts in civilized and respectful manner. Cheers!
The UK Rum Club
The UK Rum Club is a collective of Rum Enthusiasts based in the UK. The focus of this group is Pure Rum, and whilst that does not limit topics, our desire is to encourage less discussions about Spiced and Flavoured products. Do not be surprised to see marketing nonsense and sweetened spirits called out either.
Rum Club Canada
For promoting and educating great rum to a larger audience in Canada, while advocating for a larger and better selection in our liquor stores. Lets raise the Canadian rum bar together!
Seven Fathoms Rum Club
The Official Rum Club of Seven Fathoms
Cayman Islands Premium Rum.
Seven Fathoms Rum – Craft distilled 100% locally in Cayman, matured under water at a depth of seven fathoms (42 ft.)
LinkedIN Groups
Rum Lovers United!
Dedicated to sharing, tasting and appreciating Cane Spirits. Be it Rum, Rhum, Cachaça, Rhum Vieux, Ron, Aguardiente, or even Screech. Regardless of the appellation, we are enamored with the sugar cane based spirit commonly known as rum.
Rum Industry
An open platform for all professionals working within the Rum, Rhum, Ron & Cachaça Industry. This group is designed to broadly discuss industry updates, job opportunities, innovation, consumer trends, packaging, R&R, news, marketing campaign, and events.
Reddit Groups
For the Love of the Polynesian Pop Paradise!
Tiki culture is a celebration of tropical escapism. It’s a longing for the time when Pacific islands were still exotic locales that inspired Donn Beach and Trader Vic to create their own versions back home. It all started in 1934 with the first Don the Beachcomber tiki restaurant, and was rejuvenated in the mid-90’s with the printing of The Book of Tiki by Sven Kirsten. Pull up a chair, sip your Mai Tai, and study the tsantsa-covered ceiling while listening to the sounds of the Hukilau.
¡Aquí se habla de Ron!
Aqui Se Habla de Ron. Este grupo se creo para amantes de ron / rhum / rum | Perfecto para compartir el ron que actualmente estamos tomando o hablando. Preferimos que se hable en español.
All The Swill That’s Fit To Swig!
Te damos la bienvenida a rum / we welcome you to Rum
Part of this Information has been shared from RumCast.com
For knowledge purposes only.