I´m a Venezuelan journalist and I have 7 years dedicated to gastronomy. I have worked in Bienmesabe (www.bmsmagazine.com) as editor in chief and director of that brand.
These days I have my own radio program Entre Sabores at www.fedecamarasradio.com , I produce content for my Instagram, and other publications, I’m preparing my own web page, I’m the brand ambassador of Rum Santa Teresa, and I’m also working in fintech solutions as VP of marketing and communications. Although I’m a foodie, I don´t write about everything. I like to talk about good things, quality things, and information that really deserves to be share in my social media.
I believe I share interest information about things and the way I do it, is always very respectful and positive.
Rum doesn´t need a lot of extra ingredients to taste good. Just rum or with soda is a wonderful drink.
It happen in 2012 (I’m not sure the year). I was in an event and Henrique Vollmer from Santa Teresa Rum, invited me to drink one. I had taste it before but always was a bad idea to drink it because the day after I felt I wanted to die.
He asked how I drink it and I said: “rum with coke”. So he suggested rum with soda and my life changed.
I decided to drink rum with soda and left the whisky.
I love to taste all brands because in Venezuela, there are really good brands and very different between them.
Not only the high quality of the product but also the people that work on it and there principles.
Rum with soda. As simple as that.
I see it as one of the top beverages in the market.
We need to improve more and more the rum culture and share all the cool information and stories.
For the ones that like Scotch, Bourbon and Cognac I would recommend one of our premiums brands of Ron de Venezuela because, they have more character like them.
For the ones that drink Gin or Vodka, probably I would recommend something more softly as Gran Reserva or the white rum from Santa Teresa.
I would say all the Master Blenders of the brands in Venezuela. Thanks to them and the tastings, I have learn a lot of this product.
1. Produce more interesting content
2. Create more activities with women to enrich the gastronomy world and share knowledge
3. Share more Rum tastings as Ron Santa Teresa brand ambassador
4. Learn to cook better
5. Create more cool stuff for Ubii pagos
Venezuelan rum is one of the bests in the world. They respect production and flavor and has a lot of good and interesting stories that deserve to be share.
@ligisvelasquez & @ligiamvelasquez
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