
Rum Connoisseur Interview of the Week AUDREY BRUISSON – SPIRIBAM Marketing Director

Published by
Jose Rafael Hoffmann

Rum Connoisseur
Interview of the Week
SPIRIBAM Marketing Director

1. Who is Audrey Bruisson?

I am the marketing director for the SPIRIBAM portfolio and thus Rhum Clément. I started in the company 9 years ago, and I have grown with it over the years. I am now taking care of the 360° brand management and lead or contribute to new product development, brand communication, content creation, PR, and events. Besides my marketing team, I am also very lucky to be in contact daily with our production and commercial teams as well as our other design and public relations partners.


2. What does the rum mean for you? What made you fall in love with rum and when did it happen?

I am from Martinique. Thus, rum for me, and especially Rhum Agricole, is part of my culture and heritage. I have always been surrounded by rhum if I can remember, but I realized I was already in love with it when I was living in Mexico. Being abroad, far away from my island, I became ecstatic when I saw a bottle of Rhum Clément on the shelf in a liquor store. I bought it straight away and I was really proud to introduce it to my international group of friends, talking spontaneously about Martinique while preparing a round of Ti’ Punch for them!


3. Three essential characteristics that define the rum according to your perspective.

First, I would say the origin. You cannot talk about a rum without knowing where it is coming from, what is the culture and history behind the product, which usually leads to the explanation of how it is produced today.

Second, I would describe its flavor profile. Starting that way, you focus much more on your personal taste without being influenced by one’s personal bias for one characteristic or the other. Extract the age and color from the conversation, etc.… tell me what you like, and I will bring it to you!

Third, it would have to be its process of production. How has it been fermented, distilled, and aged? This for me is a good way to focus and learn more about and understand the versality of the rum universe.


4. Benefits that the rum industry has given you.

 The rum industry made me realize I should not take for granted the richness of Martinique’s culture. When people are discovering and appreciating rhum agricole worldwide, they still are amazed when they discover Martinique in person. When I see people falling in love with Habitation Clément in person or being curious about our traditions…all of this is a real eye-opener for me. All the people I have met along the way made me even prouder to work in this industry and to promote Rhum Clément and its whole universe everywhere.


5. What´s another thing you are passionate about, in addition to rum? Why?

Music, dance and everything “artsy” in general. Same as rum, it’s full of people passionate about what they do, and who express it in the most natural way to the world. I also play Saxophone, but I haven’t practiced for a long time…maybe one of my goals for this year, let’s see!


6. What is your favorite place for drinking rum?

I have a perfectly clear picture in my mind! Sunny day in Martinique, on catamaran with my friends, Caribbean music in the air, a Ti’ Punch on one hand, some accras on the other! If you do not know what accras is, you should look it up. It is the best pairing with rhum agricole!


7. Favorite drink + Recipe

I am all about the “Keep it Simple” rule, but my favorite drink also depends on my mood. I could go with a traditional Ti’ Punch made with Clément Canne Bleue, a barspoon of brown sugar and the squeeze of a lime coin, or just sipping an aged rhum. My favorite of all time is the cuvée Clément Elixir.


8. Why is it important to educate the rum consumer?

The rum category is booming right now, so I truly believe there is space for everyone. However, with so much going on, it might be difficult for new rum drinkers to find their way in this bubbling world. When we work in the industry, we tend to think everybody knows and everybody is an expert. But that’s not true. Consumers are at different steps of knowledge and every day there’s a new rum drinker joining the party. Thus, rum brands should not forget to provide key learning tools to beginners to help welcome them into the rum universe. And at the same time, they should also offer more technical tips to those a bit further in their rum journey. Providing a big picture and then going into details, that is the best way forward, in my opinion, for the rum industry to be understood by many and to continue to premiumize itself.


9. Any tips to train the palate and taste a good premium rum?

I would say discussions. I am French so I love to debate! When it comes to tasting rum, I always love to share my point of view with my peers. Since we do not share the same experiences, one person can be more sensitive to aromas than others according to what they are familiar with daily. Exchanging ideas about the aromas and flavors each one has perceived makes the tasting experience more interesting and it is a strong tool to improve your own palate.


10. How can the rum contribute to improve the crisis in some countries?

During this crisis, Martinique’s economy has suffered quite a lot due to the lack of visitors coming to the island.  While we do not know when the situation will allow us to travel to the island as we please, I believe we should continue the work in the export markets to make our rum known. I always say a bottle of rum is a small piece of the country it is coming from. Thus, by introducing Rhum Clément to more people worldwide, it could interest them in the future to come and discover where it has been produced. And we all know whoever sets foot at Habitation Clément becomes an ambassador afterwards…so virtuous circle it is.


11. Is the commitment to sustainable development the key of success for the permanence of the rum industry in the world? Why?

The commitment to sustainable development might be our most crucial challenge nowadays. We understand our natural resources are not unlimited and our consumer does as well. It is very apparent as we are on an island which cannot extend its land. If we want our industry to last, we constantly need to make sure we take care of the earth we use and be sensitive to the effect of climate changes to our environment. In Martinique, we are regulated by the AOC (appellation d’origine contrôlée), a set of rules created in 1996 and designed to ensure the high quality of our rhum agricole production. But its guidelines are not set in stone. For example, new varieties of sugarcane are now allowed to be used because they have proven to be more adapted to the soil they grow in and resist more to insects or pests without the use of phytosanitary products. We constantly learn, adapt and improve.


12. Who would you like to meet in the rum industry? What would you say to him/her?

I would like to meet passionate people, so basically every single person in this industry! I am fond of each person’s personal story on how and why they started to work in this industry because it’s always a heartfelt adventure. So, the more people I meet (especially in this weird time), the happier I am.


13. What are your next goals in the rum industry?

My next goal is to continue to spread the world on rhum agricole, but even more, on rum in general. Because whatever doors a rum drinker opens, it will never prevent him/her from navigating into the entire rum universe. Appealing to curious people, keen to learn every day, that is what I love to do. And I will keep on learning with them too!


14. Why is the role of the bartender important in the rum industry?

For me bartenders are at the front line, directly in contact with their guests, which are in the end our consumers. They are real assets for any brand because they are passionate “chefs” and storytellers who inspire others. When we created our global cocktail competition, the Clément Ti’ Punch Cup, we asked bartenders to loosen up a bit the traditional Ti’ Punch recipe. Throughout various competitions, I have learned so much with them, on how to promote our product, which ingredients to pair it up with, how to infuse a cocktail with culture and traditions.  Working closely with bartenders is always a good learning tool for me because it infuses me with a bit of creative energy and modernity! So, in times like this when the cocktail industry is profoundly struggling, we brand managers, should always find ways to support bartenders. Their skillset is truly valuable if we want this industry to last.


15. What is your advice for new generations in the rum industry?

Stay curious, stay foolish! After nearly 10 years in the industry, I still cannot declare myself as a rum expert. I’m always surprised to learn new skills when I’m spending some time with our cellar master at Habitation Clément, or when I meet a bartender whose perspective on rum is strongly different than mine. That’s what’s makes this industry interesting. Do not lose your fresh eyes, keep looking and keep learning.


16. How can people learn more about you? Website? Social media page?

I’m mostly (too much) on Instagram as “Miss Clément” . And of course, you can learn more on Rhum Clément @rhumclementusa on Facebook and Instagram We have a lot in store for you all.

Jose Rafael Hoffmann

Creative Director for EmpresasFH and Director of HOFFMANNdesign. Born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, Mr. Hoffmann has been one of the most important designers for prestigious companies in South America, including Disney, Cartoon Network, Mattel among others.

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