A New Approach to Categorizing Rum: Transparency and Production Details

A New Approach to Categorizing Rum: Transparency and Production Details
July 11, 2023 Off By Camilo Cesarino

In this article, taken from a previously published text by Cocktail Wonk, an alternative approach to categorizing rum is proposed, focusing on providing transparent and detailed information about its production. The current categories based on color or origin are seen as limited and not always useful in describing the characteristics sought by rum enthusiasts and profesRum Categorizationsionals.

A Modest Shift in Rum Categorization

The proposal aims to create a labeling system that offers consumers and enthusiasts a clear understanding of what they are purchasing. Instead of broad categories, a set of technical descriptors is suggested to allow for a more precise comprehension of each rum’s specific characteristics.

The Challenge of Current Rum Categories

Existing rum categories present challenges because they attempt to encompass multiple important aspects within a single category. This makes direct comparison between different brands difficult and hinders informed decision-making for consumers. Furthermore, categories that are simple and understandable for casual consumers often lack the depth required by rum enthusiasts.

A Proposal for Transparency in Rum Production

The proposal consists of a set of technical descriptors that can be included on rum labels or brand websites. These descriptors include details such as the country of fermentation and distillation, whether it is from a single distillery or batch, the fermentation source (cane juice, molasses, etc.), the yeast type used, the distillation method, the maximum alcohol by volume (ABV) obtained during distillation, the minimum aging time in wood, the use of charcoal filtration to modify color, and whether other ingredients besides E150 caramel are used in blending.

Practical Examples

To illustrate how this system would work, concrete examples of labels using the proposed descriptors are provided. These examples range from unaged Martinique AOC Rhum Agricole to pot-stilled, aged Jamaican rum and lightly aged Cuban “White” rum.

Benefits of Implementation

Adopting these technical descriptors by rum brands would enable consumers and enthusiasts to have a better understanding of what they are purchasing. It would also facilitate direct comparison between different brands, as a common and consistent language would be used. While there is no regulatory body to certify the accuracy of these descriptors, brands that misrepresent information would be identified and called out by the community.


In summary, a new approach to categorizing rum based on transparency and production details is proposed. By implementing agreed-upon technical descriptors, consumers and enthusiasts can gain a clearer and more precise understanding of the different types of rum available. If rum brands unite in this initiative, we could achieve greater transparency in the industry and enhance the consumer experience when choosing and enjoying this complex and cherished spirit.

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