India’s Rum Renaissance: A Thriving Revolution in Distilled Spirits

India’s Rum Renaissance: A Thriving Revolution in Distilled Spirits
August 8, 2023 Off By Camilo Cesarino

The following article on India’s Rum Renaissance, showcasing a thriving revolution in distilled spirits, is extracted from BBC News.

In recent years, India has witnessed an exciting transformation in its alcoholic beverage culture, and at the center of attention is the humble rum. Formerly relegated to the darkest corner of bars and supermarkets, rum is now experiencing a true revolution in the country, all thanks to the innovation and creativity of domestic brands that have decided to challenge conventions and leave behind stereotypes associated with this spirit.

Until recently, rum in India was mainly known for being a cheap and accessible option, but with very little diversity in terms of flavor and quality. However, now the landscape has changed drastically thanks to brands like Short Story, Maka Zai, and Camikara, which have been working hard to give a fresh twist to the rum scene in the country.

One of the leading brands in this revolution is Piccadilly Distilleries, helmed by Siddharth Sharma, who has decided to adopt the French style of rum known as “rhum agricole.” Their limited-edition 12-year-old Camikara is a perfect example of this unconventional approach: instead of using the typical molasses, this gem is distilled from sugarcane juice cultivated in their own fields. A rarity in the Indian market, this rum has a distinctive flavor and character that are captivating the palates of rum enthusiasts.

On the other hand, brands like Maka Zai, Stilldistilling Spirits, and Fullarton Distilleries are also making waves with their unique creations. From medium-bodied white rums with tropical notes to creamy-textured golden rums infused with roasted coffee, these distillers are daring to explore and experiment with new flavors and production techniques to offer consumers a truly unforgettable rum experience.

This rum revolution has not only been driven by the creativity of local brands but also by the willingness of consumers to try new alcoholic options. As incomes in major cities rise, more people are willing to venture into the world of premium and craft beverages. Additionally, the growing popularity of gin in recent years has whetted the public’s appetite for exploring and discovering new drink options, paving the way for the rum revolution.

While the path to international recognition is still long, India’s rum revolution has already taken significant steps in the right direction. Although the lack of knowledge about different styles of rum may be a challenge for brands, the enthusiasm of the public for trying new alcoholic experiences has created a conducive environment for the growth and expansion of craft and premium rum in the country.

As India’s rum scene continues to evolve and attract enthusiasts, it is safe to say that this distilled spirit is here to stay, and diversity and innovation will remain the cornerstones of this exciting revolution. So, the next time you find yourself in a cocktail bar in India, do not hesitate to order a rum and get ready to be amazed by the magic and flavor that this drink has acquired thanks to the passion and vision of local brands. Let’s raise a toast to the rum revolution!

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