ARE RUM FESTIVAL RELEVANT FOR BRANDS?Are rum festivals events relevant and necessary for the industry? In short, yes!
“Our event especially helps smaller companies and new brands to represent and show themselves to a huge public among the rum-connoisseurs. Furthermore it’s very important to me to see the German Rum Festival as a platform of communication between the producers and consumers – therefore I’m very happy to host the crème de la crème of Master Distillers, owners and the experts of Rum XP Panel every year. At least the GERMAN RUM AWARDS are an excellent chance for all brands to get a feeling in which level (or bandwidth) their products are recognized in.”
Robert A. Burr founder and CEO of the Miami Rum Renaissance
“Rum events designed for consumers and members of the spirits trade are critical to the growth and understanding of the rum category. The efficiency of attracting one hundred, one thousand or ten thousand rum enthusiasts to a room filled with rum brands, producers, distributors and distillers is unmatched by the singular efforts of individual producers.”
Javier Herrera founder and CEO of the Madrid Rum Festival & Congreso Internacional de Ron
“The rum events that are presently occurring around the world, are very important for the fans and professionals that enjoy this magnificent distill product. Entire countries live and depend of the rum distillation industry, where the culture and wealth of a country is mixed with this spirit. I would say, “ron” is the only distilled product that unites culture of all the 5 continents, since rum is made in each and every one of them. The consumer finds rum in these festivals and many become avid fans of the distillate. Events like the International Congress of Ron, which I produce, annually unites eminent rum experts from the world. Rum is a passion and that’s what I like to transmit in my events. Other spirits don’t or will never meet this type of passion. The hype in rum and the events occurring around the world, is happening now and this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
Federico Hernández founder of the Midwest Rum Fest, California Rum Festival and Puerto Rico’s national rum fest Taste of Rums.
“Similar to a boom that craved people to learn about wine, how they are made, the difference between grapes, regions, harvest, ageing, water and distillation process. The same is happening today with people are hungry to learn more about rum /rhum /ron. Rum Festival offer more than a tasting experience. Today the events have evolved from just a party experience to an educational platform where the trade, rum aficionado, tiki cravers, and newcomers come to this cities to enrich their knowledge . Rum brands should see these events as an opportunity to network, visit and grow their relations with actual new key accounts at off/on premise, bartenders, F&B manager and sales team.”
For those looking for an in-person rum expereience, visit the 2nd Annual MidWest Rum Festival by on Saturday, April 30 at Bottom Lounge (1375 W Lake St) in Chicago. Tickets can be purchased at For more information visit
Federico Hernandez
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